Holiday Cookies
Cookie Season
I literally can’t stop baking
So when winter comes around, there’s nowhere I like to be more than my kitchen. I spend a lot of time baking during the whole year, but something about the cold weather has me wanting to roll out dough pretty much every night! It’s excessive! I know!! I haven’t been able to use my kitchen table for weeks because its been covered in cookies!!! I love it so much!!!!
So far I’ve made three different cookies. Bon Appetit’s tie dye butter cookies, Epicurious chocolate pistachio cookies, and Epicurious chewy molasses cookies. They are all SO good, but out of the three, the butter cookies were the most fun to make. The molasses cookies were the most delicious. I’m going to make them all again.
After giving 5 cookies each to all of my coworkers, I still have a good 20 cookies left at home. That number will probably double tonight because my urge to bake is persistent. If anyone wants a cookie delivery, you know who to call! (It’s me, you should call me.)